Health News

Changes in weight may indicate dementia

How does our weight on the risk for dementia?

Researchers from South Korea found that a significant increase or decrease of the weight is in the elderly with an increased risk for the development of dementia in combination.

In the current investigation of the Kyungpook National University, it was found that there is a relationship between Changes of Body Mass Index in late life and the emergence of dementia. The results of the study were published in the English journal “BMJ Open”.

When people age quickly weight or lose weight, this may indicate the emergence of dementia. (Photo: De Visu/

Data from more than 67,000 older people were evaluated

The results show how important it is to maintain a healthy life style. In the context of the study, the data from more than 67,000 people were analyzed between the ages of 60 and 79 years. The Body Mass Index (BMI) of Participants was measured in the years 2002, 2003, and again between 2004 and 2005, while the incidence of dementia was monitored between 2008 and 2013, over a period of an average of five years.

Rapid changes in the BMI indicate dementia

Men and women, which experienced a rapid weight change, defined as an increase or decrease in the BMI by ten percent over a period of two years, had a 20 percent higher risk for the development of dementia, than participants whose weight remained stable.

Increase in fat mass promotes dementia?

The BMI at the beginning of the study, was not associated with the incidence of dementia in both sexes, except for men with a low body weight. The researchers assume that the weight gain and the associated increase in fat mass could affect the development of dementia. They added that even weight loss can be an early Symptom of the disease. Both weight gain and weight loss can be significant risk factors for dementia, explain the authors of the study.

These factors increase the risk for dementia

The current study showed that a strong increase in weight, in an uncontrolled manner over the course of affect diseases of Diabetes, Smoking, and lower physical activity in late life the development of dementia. The observed results suggest that the continuous weight control, disease management and maintaining a healthy help lifestyle in later life for the prevention of dementia. (as)