Diet & Food

These Indoor Grills on Sale at Amazon Will Make You Want a Hot Dog

I know the first day of summer is a few weeks away, but it’s sooo close I can practically taste all the frosé and burgers. (And, let’s be real: Sumer basically starts after Memorial Day weekend.) Since you spent last summer cooped up inside watching every season of The Office for the fiftieth time, you ~*need*~ to live this one up—and that requires grilling things. Because Amazon knows what you want before you do, they’re slashing the prices of some solid indoor, electric grills.

*Record scratch* Wait…indoor? Yes! Indoor! These electric grills enable you to make something charred and delicious without a patio or flames.

K, so which one’s right for you? Well, it depends on your cooking needs. If you want to get the best bang for your buck, grab a multi-purpose setup from Ninja or Cuisinart. (Ninja’s can double as an air fryer, while this option from Cuisinart moonlights as a panini press.) Anyone who wants to make the most of a small space will love this one from Kitchen + Home, which fits nicely on your stovetop’s burner. Or, if you want a super good deal, you can snag George Foreman for under $30.

Hold my beer while I flip this burg, will ya?

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