Runny nose, irritation of Throat and headache are typical symptoms of a flu-like infection. In most cases, a cold is over after a week. Patient protects not sufficient, can be ignited in the aftermath, however, the heart muscle cells. This is noted to late, it can life-threatening be.
The Tricky is: The symptoms of myocarditis, the inflammation of the heart muscle is also called, are often difficult to detect. An infectious inflammation of the heart muscle is caused by viruses or bacteria, in addition to the flu – like symptoms often fatigue, exhaustion, weakness, appetite and weight fluctuations. "At the heart of even the least patient feel pain. Sometimes it comes to increased heart palpitations, or even heart stumble. But this is not the Regel", Dr. Ursula Marschall, senior Physician at the health insurance company Barmer declared.
These diffuse symptoms, which can also be the common cold attributed to, are often the cause of the myocarditis is detected too late. "Early diagnosis is an inflammation of the heart muscle of vital importance for the further course of the disease. The later it is detected, the greater the risk to develop permanent chronic heart failure, or suffer acute, severe heart rhythm disorders. This can even sudden cardiac death führen", Marshal says.
Viruses and bacteria are häoften the cause
In more than half of all diseases viruses are the trigger for myocarditis. Here are especially colds, flu, to mention Herpes, or measles virus. An infectious myocarditis, but can also be triggered by bacteria, for example, by the causative agent of tonsillitis, due to scarlet fever pathogen, or bacteria, which can cause blood poisoning. A myocarditis may also occur even without the viruses and bacteria are involved. You will then "non-infektiös" referred to. The cause for this can be for example a radiation therapy or the ingestion of specific drugs.
Strict conservation is important
The quicker the therapy begins, the greater the chances that the inflammation of the heart muscle heal without consequences. That is why it is important, in the case of non-decaying cold symptoms necessarily see a doctor. This will make for clarification, where appropriate, an electrocardiogram and blood tests carried out. As soon as it was found, what is the cause for the myocarditis, they can start a targeted therapy. In the case of a bacteria-triggered inflammation of antibiotics are used. In addition, the Patient drugs, which relieve the heart of work, for example, beta-blockers gets.
"For a full recovery of the absolute conservation is the most important means. Every effort for the heart should be avoided no long-term consequences such as a weak heart to riskieren", Marshal says. The treating doctor will make a few weeks after the treatment, a medical examination and decide whether and how much conservation is needed.
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