According to a new study by KP Nuts, nearly one in 10 men have been forced to stop having sex after injuring their penises.
The new study, carried out to highlight the important of checking your nuts for lumps, looks at men’s relationships with their testicles.
It found that one in seven (14%) have hurt their penises by sitting awkwardly, while one in 20 (5%) have even had to seek medical treatment after an injury during sex.
And some of our population even revealed that they hurt their penises by sunburning them, with 1% admitting to being a bit red in the balls.
But despite all of this, research also suggests that men aren’t taking testicular cancer seriously as 62% haven’t had a check up in the past 10 years.
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What’s more worrying is that 53% of blokes won’t even talk about their penises to their friends with 24% only doing it to make a joke.
Kevin McNair, Marketing Director at KP Snacks, said: “Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men and in most cases, if caught early, there is a 95% chance of survival.
“It’s incredibly worrying that only 7% of men talk to their friends about checking their nuts for cancer and only a third of have had them checked professionally in the last ten years.
“We want to raise awareness of how important it is for men to take control of their testicle health so in partnership with Movember, KP Nuts is encouraging men across the UK to grab a handful and check their nuts.”
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Movember suggests taking a few minutes out to give your testicles a bit of a feel each month or so.
Roll one nut between thumb and fingers to get to know what’s normal and repeat with the other one.
If you notice a change in size or shape, a lump that wasn’t there before, or if they become painful to touch, see a doctor.
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Top 10 ways men hurt their nuts:
- Hit by a ball during sport (35%)
- Sat awkwardly and hurt themselves (14%)
- Received an accidental smack by their child (13%)
- Snared themselves with a trouser zip (13%)
- Slipped and banged them while riding a bike (11%)
- Carrying something (9%)
- Injury during sex (7%)
- Hit by an overenthusiastic dog or pet (6%)
- Accidentally smeared them with something that stings, like Deep Heat (5%)
- DIY (5%)
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