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Lucy Hale Expertly Claps Back At Twitter Troll Who Called Her Anorexic

If there’s one thing Lucy Hale won’t stand for, it’s body shaming. So when a twitter troll offered an unsolicited opinion about her figure, the Pretty Little Liars actress had the perfect response to put him in his place.

After Hale shared a pic of herself with a quote from The Poltergeist on Friday, a male follower suggested she was suffering from an eating disorder.

But the star was quick to shut him down in a series of stern tweets. 

“I am disgusted that a man would even think of saying these absolutely awful words to a woman. You should be ashamed of yourself,” she began.

“As someone who used to struggle with anorexia, I don’t take these comments lightly. I’m healthy and happy and you don’t know me. So keep your repulsive comments to yourself.”

The troll sarcastically replied with a thumbs-up emoji and the word “neat,” but it was Hale who had the last laugh. 

“Just another insecure man hiding behind a computer screen. Boy BYE,” she wrote.

Her responses have since been liked and retweeted thousands of times, with many fans penning messages of support.

Hale first opened up about her battle with an eating disorder in an interview with Cosmopolitan back in 2012. 

“I’ve never really talked about this, but I would go days without eating,” she shared. 

“Or maybe I’d have some fruit and then go to the gym for three hours. I knew I had a problem.”  

Over time, the 28-year-old has learned to embrace her body, although she admits it’s an ongoing process.

“There are good days and bad days, but I’ve found [self-assurance] really does come with age,” she recently told PEOPLE. “I think you hit a point where you accept who you are and what you look like and you kind of just roll with it.”

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