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How to sleep: The ‘effective natural remedy’ that could help you get a good night’s sleep

Olivia Newton John says she uses cannabis to help treat her cancer

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The first thing to say is that there isn’t a set amount of CBD you need to take before bed.

Factors such as your weight, your age, your lifestyle, and other health conditions you have will all affect how much CBD you should consume, as well as how you ingest the CBD oil.

The reason for this, according to Jonathan Milbank is that, “each method of dose-delivery has its own effectiveness and efficiencies associated with the bioavailability of the CBD”.

The dosage you may need to take could vary from 25mg to 1,500mg in strength depending on the factors listed above. More studies though are being carried out to find out if there is a sweet spot.

With regards to when you should take your CBD oil, there is fortunately far more agreement and certainty.

Jonathan Millbank said: “CBD should be taken at least an hour before you go to bed so it has time to take effect before you fall asleep”.

As a rule, Millbank recommended “leaving an hour before sleep allows time to seek the efficacy of when the CBD has kicked in”.

As with the amount of CBD to consume, the optimum time for you to take it before bed may depend on your lifestyle, height, weight and existing health conditions.

The most effective way to take CBD before bed is to inhale it, but not through a vape, but through an inhaler. By inhaling, Millbank says the CBD will, “enter your faster than most other delivery methods”.

Other options include using sleep mist; the benefits of this are that not only will you inhale it you will absorb it through your skin throughout the night.

When CBD has been tested on large groups of people they have found that it helps users sleep; one study found that over 60 percent of users found their sleep had improved within the first month of taking CBD.

But there are other uses of CBD, outside of improving how quickly we fall to, or how well we sleep.

Studies have found that CBD oil can help relieve the symptoms of other conditions such as anxiety, stress, pain, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease.

In those with epilepsy it has been found that taking CBD not only reduces their anxiety in the short but also the long term when it is taken in doses ranging from 300mg to 600mg.

In those with Parkinson’s disease CBD, in combination with other Parkinson’s drugs, has been shown to reduce psychotic symptoms with no adverse impact on the patient’s cognitive signs and no side effects.

CBD has also been found to reduce nerve and back pain by reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters.

Scientists have also experimented with combining CBD and THC (a psychoactive compound in Cannabis) in the treatment of arthritis and MS.

Whilst these are small scale investigations and trials, the evidence so far suggests that CBD could be a new frontier in the treatment of both every day and chronic conditions.

Before then, more investigations and studies need to be done, not only to establish the potential of CBD but also it’s overall effectiveness.

For now, however, it joins the pantheon of products, methods and procedures available to you to have a better nights’ sleep.

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