Health News

Crohn’s disease: The sign to spot in your poo that could signal the lifelong condition

Strictly: Amy updates Instagram fans on her Crohn's disease

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The first of these is diarrhoea.

An unpleasant experience, the diarrhoea will come and go.

The second common symptom is stomach aches and cramps.

You will feel these in the lower-right area of your stomach.

The third common symptom is blood in your poo.

After this, the fourth and fifth symptoms are slightly more palatable to behold.

You may experience fatigue; this is also known as feelings of tiredness.

Weight loss is the final common symptom of Crohn’s disease.

Less common symptoms of Crohn’s disease can also rear themselves.

These include:
• Having a high temperature
• Feeling nauseous (sick)
• Joint pains
• Sore and red eyes
• Patches of painful, red and swollen skin (these will most often be found on the legs)
• Mouth ulcers.

You should see a GP if you have one of the four following symptoms of those listed above.

If you have:
• Blood in your poo.
• Experienced diarrhoea for more than seven days
• Suffered frequent stomach aches or cramps.
• Lost weight for no reason, or your child is not growing as fast as expected.

Once diagnosed, there are five options for treatment.

The first option is steroids which can relieve symptoms and can be taken as tablets.

The second option is a liquid diet with drinks that contain all the vitamins and food you need.

Immunosuppressants and biologics are two potential options for treatment.

The last option is surgery that will only be carried out if the benefits outweigh the risks.

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