Health News

Chrissy Teigen’s Snap Of Her 'Period Skin' Is So Relatable

There’s plenty of reasons why we love Chrissy Teigen, but her relatability has to be number one. 

And the model, cookbook creator, slayer of Twitter trolls and producer of adorable offspring, has shown us exactly why with her latest Snapchat.

“This is my skin on my period,” the 31-year-old says as she points to the raw, red blemishes on her face.

“Look at it… So angry,” she added.

Yep, even supermodels breakout when Aunt Flo is in town, too.

“When hormone levels surge before your period, they also stimulate your oil glands to go into overdrive,” dermatologist Josh Zeichner, M.D told Women’s Health. “More oil clogs your pores and feeds acne-causing bacteria. All of this explains the premenstrual acne flare that many women experience.”

Thanks to these natural fluctuations, period breakouts can be difficult to completely prevent. But start by trying a cleanser with salicylic acid to slough off dead skin cells and keep those mitts away from your zits. 

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