Family Health

This happens in the body when you are fasting, after 1, 14 and 40 days

Fasting not only allows the fat pad to melt, but is effective against high blood pressure, Diabetes and other common diseases. Why a day of fasting a lot of can, as it rejuvenates every cell and how to properly fast, such as when medications are taken.

After the carnival, in the early spring, traditionally follows the almost time. Earlier, the fast-motifs in the Religion – the Christians believe in the 40-day fasting of Jesus in the desert, also for other world religions such as Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, fasting is an important confession of faith. And even though there are exits in Germany, more and more Church, celebrate many “infidels” fasting almost as a religious Ritual.

Fasting is part of the survival program of the body

Fasting is not a diet, which was developed by nutrition scientists and certain nutrients, such as carbohydrates or fat, excludes. “Fasting has no one invented, and it is firmly anchored in our genes,” explains Eva Lischka, Chairman of the medical society for therapeutic fasting and nutrition, and chief doctor of the Buchinger-Wilhemi clinic on lake Constance.

Fast has secured over thousands of years, the Survival, by the body has switched into starvation times on a different metabolic mode.

What is fasting?

Today, fasting is defined in the guidelines of the ÄGHE as the voluntary waiver of solid food and beverages for a limited time. Classic almost programs are designated especially therapeutic fasting in variations according to Otto Buchinger, or intermittent fasting, with individual days up to 16 hours of fasting.

The rules for fasting:

  • A total of at least 2.5 litres of calorie free fluid per day, such as herbal tea with a little honey, as well as
  • Vegetable broth
  • Fruit juices
  • Vegetable juices

250 to 300 kcal per day are useful.

“The promotion of all the routes of Excretion, moderate exercise, such as walking in the fresh air, and relaxation exercises round out the program,” adds Eva Lischka. One who fasts for the first Time, should be fasting, Best in work-free time in the group or to a good book.

Fasting is not starving

Ultimately, fasting must be Starving delineated. Only tea and water to drink, and on the other components, so there is no calories is not recommended in any case. “Hunger is forced food waiver and so much stronger stress reactions in the body as voluntary fasting,” explained the expert the difference.

Vitamins to take when fasting?

“Additional Vitamin supplementation is usually not necessary, since the work of Digestion is eliminated”, says the expert. In patients taking medication, could be a vitamin level control and the appropriate supplementation, for example Vitamin B12 if you are taking acid blockers.

Fasting effect after 24 hours

Who is it that deals with fasting for the first Time, try it for a day, of course, with the right drinks in the right amount. Already, the 24-hour fasting has a measurable, positive effects. The usual metabolic changes, because there is no food.

“The body is consumed first, the stored carbohydrates, i.e. glycogen, these reserves will be sufficient for one to one and a half days,” explained the chief doctor. In addition, Autophagy comes into play. This is a sophisticated recycling system of the body that frees the cells from defects.

Eva Lischka: “You can imagine the way that cellular waste (old, non-functional or incorrectly assembled components of the cell) are surrounded with a shell. Therein enzymes crush these parts.“ The individual components are supplied to the cell and help in the rebuilding of healthy cell components.

This Autophagy-program starts the body after a food break, from 14 to 18 hours, after a day of fasting in any case. By the way there was for Work on the Autophagy of 2016, a Nobel prize for the Japanese researcher, Yoshinori Ohsumi.

… after two weeks

Periodic fasting such as fasting on one to three weeks, not only in these processes over a longer period of time – a corrective to the entire body, comparable, and simplified with a “big cleaning”. In addition, the entire metabolism.

What does it mean to Take the food break longer, glycogen, so sugar is used up that is needed, especially from the brain urgently. Now the body is made of a certain protein can produce sugar. The succeeds mainly from the support of protein (connective tissue) in Overweight, and to a lesser extent, muscle protein.

However, the sources are limited, not everything can protein be used. Therefore, the organism draws on fat reserves. “Fat is made of glycerol, which can also be used in sugars, and fatty acids,” explains the expert the underlying mechanism. The fatty acids are decomposed into Ketones, which the brain, its energy metabolism can use instead of sugar.

“First is reduced, the internal belly fat,” says Eva Lischka. This is particularly advantageous, because this fat depot produced more than 600 substances, which may be associated with metabolic disorders such as Diabetes, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.

after 40 days

The fat reserves of the body rich in most people for many weeks. “A healthy, 70 kg weighing man is 1.70 meters tall, can easily be 40 days of fasting, and this is scientifically backed up,” says the healing is almost an expert. Would the man it to 90 kilograms, he would have even reserves for 100 days. In this time, the whole body is cleansed, so to speak, fundamentally.

Dangerous side effects do not occur even during this “biblical” long time in the rule. As a precaution, however, check in patients, the fasting in the hospital for several weeks of healing, after three weeks of sodium and potassium via blood test, so that no mineral deficiency charged to the organ functions. In addition, an ECG will be written to check the heart rhythm.

The fear that by fasting cure muscle (protein) is broken down, is usually unfounded. The organism has a kind of natural brake, which protects muscle protein resources. Speaking Of Muscles. Many of the almost the end of reported that your physical fitness increases and the muscles even more to build. This effect have already proved studies to the beginning of the Millennium.

Fasting has many effects – weight loss is not in the foreground

With a week of fasting, an average of two kilograms can be removed. Crucial for the health of waist circumference, however, the expert emphasizes, because he sheds light on the risky inner belly fat. Here, a single day of fasting may cause one to two inches. As the limit for unhealthy abdominal circumference of 94 cm in women and 80 in men. The Ideal is to lie underneath.

Fasting is Anti-Aging for the body

Further effects on the organism:

  • Decreases high blood pressure, because salt is excreted only in very small amounts (through vegetable juice). Sodium chloride plays in hypertensive an important role. In addition, relaxation, and calm regulate how, when fasting is recommended, the blood pressure in addition.
  • Blood sugar and blood fats (triglycerides) decrease due to the fasting conditions, the blood vessels benefit
  • The liver recovers, the Gamma-GT-values will be reduced demonstrably.

“A special effect is, however, that during the fast, new stem cells are formed,” says Eva Lischka. In addition, new mitochondria, the power centers of the cells. This biochemical process is called Mitohormesis. During the fast, old mitochondria are disposed of, and this deficiency triggers the Mitohormesis.

Therefore, fasting and calorie reduction can prolong life, which have proven in numerous studies already.

Fasting lightens the Psyche – but not always the same, almost euphoria

At the beginning, fasting means a certain Stress for the body, the Sympatikus is activated, because it is a matter of Survival. But after two or three days the para-sympatikus. This means mental peace, relaxation, balance. In addition, Dopamine and Serotonin act more now, what makes us happy and stunts the appetite. This is also the reason that hungry during the fasting only on the first day, a Problem – however, with a lot of Drink and a spoonful of honey fix.

Not the least of body to be reinforced own Endocannabinoids, which compensates in addition, the mood and improves.

The oft-cited, almost euphoria, to be triggered by all of these factors can, but need not be the case any almost pronounced.

Fasting as a treatment with a stunning effect

Food waiver means for mental and physical health a lot more than I thought. Fasting is recognized, therefore for many different diseases as a treatment or adjunct to treatment. How good fasting is, can now show the updated study: “Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4-to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjectsim” was published in the journal “Plos One”.

Diabetes improves permanently – sometimes without drugs

Accordingly, Diabetes is improved under fasting. “In Diabetes, the important receptors are the fasting-sensitive,” explains the expert. In diabetics, the insulin receptors are blocked, often by fatty acids (insulin resistance), the sugar cannot enter the cells. The pancreas produces even more Insulin, the insulin level rises, and Diabetes.

“Many diabetics need during fasting, no medication, and even after the fasting less of it, because the receptors work better – and because the patients after the treatment are more open to a change in life-style with exercise and a conscious diet,” says Eva Lischka.

High blood pressure drops

Also Hypertensive benefit of fasting proven. Fasting affects certain substances, the natriuretic peptides. They ensure that water is excreted and fat is burned. “Here, researchers were able to prove that fasting improves these activities,” explains Eva Lischka. To be especially at the beginning of the fasting plenty of water and cooking excreted salt, which makes the blood pressure to drop.

This effect proof holds by the way also to the fasting bit. Here also plays a role, that the patients bring to the treatment as much on the balance as at the beginning. Every kilogram less can lower in obese hypertensives the blood pressure.

Fasting against joint pain and migraine

Also, diseases that are held in place by silent inflammation going on, such as rheumatism, Arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, but also migraine, to speak to fast. “Fasting has an anti-inflammatory,” says the expert. Because every food is for the body of foreign contact, and triggers inflammatory responses (postprandial leukocytosis and the Start of the Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-kB) inflammatory signalling pathway. This, in turn, can support already existing inflammation. The foreign contact food, it is gentle on the body and, in addition, of digestive work relieved.

The question of whether healing reduce fasting risk of cancer, or in the case of illness, the prognosis could improve. “Here are the studies still”, slowing down the expert to high expectations. It is considered certain, however, that it is advantageous not to feed the Tumor during chemotherapy with sugar. Then the Tumor is sensitive to chemotherapy and the Patient is tolerating the treatment, by the way, even better.

Fasting works and has hardly any yo-yo effects

This therapeutic effect of fasting lasts in many patients for months after that. This is also true for the Weight. On the topic of the yo-yo effect the diet a scientist Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo at the clinic has carried out a study with 400 patients, which resulted in a period of ten years, approximately ten fasting. The Result:

  • a third had kept the weight
  • a third had lost more
  • one third had a slightly increased

Two-thirds were successful. “We have made at our clinic experience is that when our severely obese patients, these effects are sustained for about six months, then it makes sense to fast again for at least ten days – including relief days, and again slow Lead to normal food,” says the chief doctor.

For some people it has proved, however, to fast a day per week or the 16:8 interval fasting, either without Breakfast or without a dinner. So Obesity and metabolism changes to prevent Overweight and prevent.

Who is fasting is allowed and who is not, or only with the doctor

Basically fasting can be used as a prevention and treatment of almost every carry out, but there are exceptions. Considered a contraindication for fasting are:

  • Lactation and pregnancy
  • Eating disorders
  • Under weight
  • mental disorders such as psychosis
  • (advanced liver or renal failure)

Women, the contraception with the pill, contraception during and after of fasting, depending on the Pillentyp, in addition, with condoms. The effect of the pill is not while fasting namely not sure, because the absorption, as in the case of diarrhea, is perhaps completely

“Everyone who takes the drug should only fast under medical supervision,” adds Eva Lischka. Trained almost doctors, and almost head of it is about:

  • Medical society for therapeutic fasting and nutrition
  • German Fasting Academy
  • Association for independent health consulting

Problem toxins in the fat tissue

Fasting can, therefore, almost anyone and everyone can benefit from it. However, during the fast, maybe a flip side of the coin. Many toxins from our environment are stored in fat tissue. When losing weight, you to be dissolved and enter the blood, could be liver and kidney burden. “It’s true, studies show that toxins from fatty tissue, in the fasting into the blood, but you don’t know whether you disposed of this at last, and the body of these substances is liberated,” says Eva Lischka. This has not yet been sufficiently investigated.

On the other hand, we know with certainty that Slimming freed from the dangerous, visceral fat. Three-quarters of men and more than half of the women have assumed too much. This belly fat is so risky, because it puts silent inflammation. This silent inflammations are involved in the main causes of death, heart attack, stroke, and sometimes also cancer. Without belly fat, the risk for death drops causes. This is also why fasting can be life-extending.

“As long as studies have proven otherwise, we should rely, therefore, on our experiences,” stresses the head doctor. You treated many of the patients were able to perform over the decades, again and again, fasting, and thus their chronic disease improve, often biologically much younger. The toxin burden of the fasting would be pronounced really, it would be noticed well in any case.

And what must not be forgotten: “to eat Unhealthy and drink the liver and kidneys much more than fasting.” Any intake of food substances, contact with foreign and triggers a mild inflammatory reaction, not to mention the pollutants and toxins in our food – pesticides, pollutants, micro-plastics and more.


Fasting is undoubtedly a proven and simple method to not only dangerous belly fat to get rid of, but to regenerate the organism as a whole and to rejuvenate, so to speak. It is not recommended only for healthy people, but can also be complementary in many diseases, such as type 2 Diabetes, a therapy, or perhaps even replace, in any case, however, the people’s diseases, Obesity, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and joint inflammation to relieve and prevent.