Diet & Food

Yedi’s Air Fryer Is My Kitchen Holy Grail And It’s Finally On Sale For Over 20% Off

I’ve recently discovered that there’s a lot to love about air fryers.The kitchen appliance has cut my own cooking time in half. It requires little to no oil to make all the greasy foods I love, and the way it reheats leftovers makes my microwave pale in comparison.

Admittedly, I’m late to the air fryer hype, but the recent introduction of the Yedi Houseware Total Package Air Fryer in my daily routine has been life-changing. It’s made such an impact on my home cooking life that when I discovered the appliance was on sale, I had to alert everyone (a.k.a., you). Normally, Yedi sells their well-loved air fryer for $109.95. Today, the brand is selling it for $89.95. That’s more than 20 percent off! For under $100, it’s practically a no-brainer.

Whether you’re new to the air fryer game or a dedicated, longtime fan looking to up your kitchen appliance roster, you’ll love Yedi’s smart technology. It offers suggested temperature and timing settings for a range of foods, from shrimp and meats to crispy french fries and even cake (yes, this isn’t just for fried food). Other handy features include an automatic shut-off you’ll be extremely grateful for—because there’s nothing worse than burnt french fries.

The device even comes with numerous tools such as a pizza pan, 50 perforated parchment steaming papers, a cake carrel, a multi-purpose rack, three stainless steel skewers, a heat-resistant rubber mat, and so much more. Are the masses of air fryer recipes on Instagram too overwhelming to know what to choose? Don’t sweat it. They even include a recipe book with 100 air fryer recipes so you can get the most out of the time-saving kitchen tool.

An air fryer this handy and popular is bound to sell out. (Have I mentioned it’s been on Oprah’s Favorite Things List twice?) To get your hands on one of your own, head over to Yedi to swipe the holy grail of kitchen tools. May delicious mouth-watering meals be in your future!

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