Health News

Machine learning flags emerging pathogens: A new machine learning tool could flag dangerous bacteria before they cause an outbreak, from hospital wards to a global scale

A new machine learning tool that can detect whether emerging strains of the bacterium, Salmonella are more likely to cause

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Health News

Issues of dementia and gun ownership need more discussion, researchers say: When should families, physicians and caregivers talk to dementia patients about giving up firearms?

As the number of adults with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia steadily increases, questions around their access to firearms remain largely

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Health News

Synchronizing cochlear signals stimulates brain to ‘hear’ in stereo: Researchers are working to synchronize cochlear implant signals to provide a more realistic hearing experience for deaf adults and children

Using both ears to hear increases speech recognition and improves sound localization. In essence, it helps you to identify a

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