Health News

Poll: Pets help older adults cope with health issues, get active and connect with others: For some, time commitment, cost and allergies stand in the way of pet ownership

A curled-up cat, a tail-wagging dog, a chirping parakeet or even a serene goldfish may help older adults cope with

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Health News

Maternal diet during pregnancy may modulate the risk of ADHD symptoms in children: Association found between omega-6:omega-3 ratio in the umbilical cord and the appearance of ADHD symptoms

The results of a study led by a team from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported

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Health News

Sexual satisfaction among older people about more than just health: Health care workers need to take holistic approach that considers lifestyles and needs when discussing sexual problems with older people

Communication and being in a happy relationship, along with health, are important for sexual satisfaction among older people, according to

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Health News

Light pollution may cause insomnia in older adults: Artificial, outdoor light exposure at night is significantly associated with hypnotic drug prescription

A new study is the first population-based investigation to report a significant association between artificial, outdoor light exposure at night

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