Health News

No clear evidence that nicotine ‘preloading’ helps smokers to quit: Any beneficial effect may have been masked by reduction in use of smoking cessation drug

There is insufficient evidence to show that using nicotine patches for four weeks before a quit attempt (known as “preloading”)

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Health News

Composition of complex sugars in breast milk may prevent future food allergies: Study finds association between human oligosaccharides and sensitization in 1-year-old infants

The unique composition of a mother’s breastmilk may help to reduce food sensitization in her infant, report researchers at the

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Health News

Different diseases elicit distinct sets of exhausted T cells: Epigenomics survey of human immune cells has implications for fighting chronic infections, autoimmunity, and cancer

The battle between the human immune system and long-term, persisting infections and other chronic diseases such as cancer results in

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