Our cognitive abilities come down to how well the connections, or synapses, between our brain cells transmit signals. A new
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Analysis reveals genomic effects of a new cancer treatment now in clinical trials: Study pinpoints novel method of action for cancer cell-cycle checkpoint inhibitor
A twist on the molecular mechanism of how a new cancer drug works could aid in better identifying the best
Read moreNew potential treatment for one type of triple-negative breast cancer
Mayo Clinic researchers have identified the drug estradiol as a potential new treatment for a subset of women with triple-negative
Read moreHow malaria infection activates natural killer cells
Malaria-infected red blood cells trigger the immune system’s first line of defense by releasing small vesicles that activate a pathogen
Read moreAggressive prostate and lung cancers are driven by common mechanisms, researchers find
UCLA researchers have discovered a common process in the development of late-stage, small cell cancers of the prostate and lung.
Read moreAge-related changes in skin structure and lymphatic system promote melanoma metastasis: Reduced expression of the HAPLN1 protein in older patients was implicated in these changes
Changes in the structure of the skin and the lymphatic system that occur with the natural aging process create permissive
Read moreCan we teach heart cells to grow up?
Scientists around the world have been trying to replace damaged heart tissue using lab-made heart-muscle cells (cardiomyocytes), either injecting them
Read moreWhat can salad dressing tell us about cancer? Think oil and vinegar
Researchers led by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists have identified another way the process that causes oil to form
Read moreIn zebrafish, a way to find new cancer therapies, targeting tumor modulators: Rapid drug testing with zebrafish may soon lead to clinical trial of retinoic acid for adenoid cystic carcinoma:
The lab of Leonard Zon, MD, at Boston Children’s Hospital has long been interested in making blood stem cells in
Read moreBreast milk may be best for premature babies’ brain development
Babies born before their due date show better brain development when fed breast milk rather than formula, a study has
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