Root canal treatment – a last resort for teeth
Sometimes a Tooth can only be done with a root canal treatment to save. The cause of the calamity caries is usually: Is rotten to the biter to the marrow, and inflames the Inside of the tooth: The tissue swells and presses on the nerve. It hurts like hell. Those who can endure, that is also the root of the tooth ulcerated, and the bacteria in the jaw bone to slip down. In the worst case, they reach even to the heart or to the brain. A root canal treatment. the fateful cascade interrupt: a difficult surgery that requires a lot of time and tact But the Tooth remains intact, the bacteria attack stops.
A root canal treatment is always recommended if the Interior of the tooth has become inflamed. There are many reasons:
Sometimes things go wrong or it will be expensive
Whether the root canal could save the Tooth really is often only after years. Whether the intervention was successful or not, depends on how resilient the roots, how strong the Tooth was already damaged, and whether the dentist cleans the root canals well before he sealed it. The rule of thumb is this: If, two years after the jaw bone at the root tip intact, you have nothing to fear.
The health insurance companies mostly paying for the root canal treatment. You refuse but to bear the cost, if special techniques are applied or if their prospects of success are unclear. In addition, there are restrictions in the case of molar teeth. The funds pay these costs only if at least one of the following three conditions are met:
How a root canal is treated
Nervous out cement clean
In the case of a root treatment, the Doctor removes everything from the Tooth, which could ignite: the residue of the Cord, the nerve and the surrounding tissue. Then you fill the hollow Tooth with cement, plastic or other suitable substances. The treatment can drag on for three to seven sessions: The more curved the root canals, the more difficult the work is.
At first, the doctor numbs the Tooth. Then he pierced him and cleans him. He does not thoroughly, bacteria can enter the root canal. Before the dentist removes the root canal, he looks at the x-ray image, such as the roots of the tooth bend. This makes it easier for him to find the entrances to the root canals. Then he brings out the Interior of the root with tiny, flexible files, and clean the channel down to the tip. This is not an easy undertaking, because the roots are sometimes bent very strongly. Especially in children and adolescents, the doctor takes care to save the living tissue, and to remove only parts of the Marks.
The root canal is removed, rinsed in rooms of the Doctor, the hollow with a disinfectant solution several times. The channel should be completely germ-free, bacteria can get into the jaw bone.
Only after six weeks everything is over
Then you first get a temporary restoration to protect the Tooth. Usually, the Doctor waits for six weeks before she seals the Tooth permanently. Only if the Tooth does not hurt any more, fills the tooth doctor is the root to seal them tight. To do this, you used mostly a combination of different materials: long, thin pins of a rubber-like substance and certain Füllpasten, plastics or cement. Thus, the filler material adheres to the walls of the root, must be the channel completely dry.
Root canal treated teeth are dead, because they are no longer supplied by the body with blood. Therefore, they break faster and discolor gradually brownish-grey. The dark color is not noticed, the doctor after a root canal treatment is often a crown on the Tooth.
The Root Tip Resection
The tip of the root cap
The Ends of the root are already ill, will recommend the doctor for a root tip resection: to caps To the bottom of the tips, he must open your jaw bone. This is only necessary if the doctor is unable to eliminate the inflammation by a normal root canal treatment from above. If the root tips have to be removed, the dentist on the x-ray image.
Not every dentist to trust it, to remove the tips of the roots. The procedure requires a special experience and takes a lot of tact. Therefore, your doctor will refer you possibly to a specialist.
First, the tooth is doctor numb you locally. Then you will open the mucous membrane of the mouth above the root and fold aside. With a special drill, you will drill through the jaw bone, a hole, to the root tip. Then you will remove the tips of the roots, as well as the surrounding, inflamed tissue.
Then, you will clean the wound and disinfect. They filled the root with cement, plastic or special materials. Then they sutured the wound and pulls after about a week the strings. After a few months the bone has healed.
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