Oncologists are concerned, because in the case of the Under-30-Year-old colorectal cancer cases increase significantly. Healthier eating and more movement from Childhood could reduce the risk. But also the familial risk would have to be observed – it often leads to colon cancer at a young age.
The majority of cancer patients at diagnosis beyond 60. This also applies to colorectal cancer, the second most common cancer disease in Germany. Half of the patients is over 70, when she learns of their disease. However, oncologists have to register in the last few years, an increase in the number of bowel cancer cases in people under 50. Especially large is the increase in the number of young adults from 20 to 29 years of age.
First, the development of US-researchers struck. In the United States has doubled the number of younger Sufferers in 25 years. In 2018, one in ten colon cancer has been diagnosed in people who were not yet 50. In the case of the Older the case, declined to pay, however, tends to be. Here Screening clearly show their effects, people are recommended from mid-life.
The strongest increase in the number of Under-30-Year-old
A recent study by the International Agency for research on cancer (IARC) has reviewed this Trend is international and 21 cancer registry from seven Western countries for the last ten years is evaluated. Consistently, they found an increase in the number of cases for the Generation of SC-50.
In the age group 20 to 29 years, the increase is also of concern to rain. In this group, colon cancer was not an issue, apart from people with a genetic predisposition and a high familial risk.
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A very similar study carried out by researchers of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. They analyzed data from 25 years and found a high increase of colorectal cancer in young adults. Between 2004 and 2016, there was an increase of almost eight percent per year.
Junk food plus Sitting promote colon cancer
In the journals, “the Lancet, Gastroenterology & Hepatology” and “Good,” published studies have not studied the causes for this development. Obviously, the combination of an unhealthy diet, Obesity and lack of exercise in Childhood as a breeding ground for intestinal cancer at a young age seems to be the experts, however.
Various studies have shown that a high consumption of meat, Fast Food, ready meals and all processed foods in the intestinal health, especially if you substances fresh food with vitamins, antioxidants and fiber from the food plan displace.
In young patients the cancer is often very aggressive
The risk of by a bowel harmful life-style is not declared according to the experts, but why younger patients often have aggressive tumors. A US study has found for the 50-year-old cancer patients that they have at the time of diagnosis more frequently in metastases than older colon cancer patients at the time of initial diagnosis.
Because colorectal cancer usually develops from benign polyps on the intestinal mucosa, can be used to prevent its occurrence, if screening to discover this cancer precursor. They are removed, eliminates the breeding ground for cancer.
The diagnosis of colorectal cancer means for patients is not only an emotional break down, but often also a financial. Who wants to support patients, you can donate to the following account:
Felix Burda Foundation
IBAN: DE35 6808 0030 0730 0323 01
Commerzbank Offenburg
Keyword: “patient assistance colon cancer”
For more information, please refer to this Link. The Felix Burda Foundation with headquarters in Munich was founded in 2001 by Dr. Christa Maar and the publisher Prof. Dr. Hubert Burda and bears the name of its 2001 cancer of the colon, deceased son.
The Foundation is dedicated exclusively to the prevention of colon cancer and is today one of the most well-known, non-profit institutions in the German Health Community.
Screening, with colonoscopy only for high-risk patients
A screening with colonoscopy, due to in Germany, men over 50 and women over 55 as Fund performance, is not across the Board for all the younger people realize. This is primarily a question of effort and cost.
A regular and frequent colonoscopy is currently only available for younger people from the age of 25 who have a substantial familial risk for colon cancer (Lynch syndrome). A close Relative of the intestine is suffering from cancer, experts advise, generally, to have a colonoscopy ten years before the age of onset of Relatives, and, at the latest, 45 years of age. FOL
Cancer researchers do not know in addition, yet, as to the potential patients of a younger age to identify, before colon cancer develops. Hence, they habitually appeal especially to Doctors, abdominal pain and bowel problems a young adult to go to the bottom of it – it could put cancer behind them.