Personal Health

How to Search for Porn Without Getting Your Horny Self Hacked

We all watch porn: men, women, Dean Norris from Breaking Bad — you name it. There’s a reason PornHub is the 28th most popular website in the world, attracting 81 million visitors a day in 2017.

But while everyone wants to enjoy a little X-rated content now and then, no one wants to be the next victim of a computer virus — or even worse, identity theft. So unless your porn stash is just a pile of magazines stashed under your bed, you’re going to want to learn how to stay safe when you go in search of smut.

As has previously reported, Mac computers are less susceptible to viruses than PCs, but using any device will put you at risk of some form of online scam. Whether you’re browsing on desktop or mobile, Apple or Android, here are some tips for keeping your porn searches safe.

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Don’t click on sketchy links

Just as you shouldn’t be tempted by emails from Nigerian princes promising you a bountiful fortune, you should also stay away from suspicious-looking links and banner ads on porn sites: They could be a one-way ticket to malware or phishing scams. (What’s the difference between malware and phishing, and how can you tell if you’ve been targeted? Find out on

As Kaspersky Lab’s security blog points out, hackers sometimes take advantage of the immense popularity of major porn sites: “Every now and then, they hack porn resources or the advertising platforms that host banners on them. As a result, fans of adult clips are lured onto ‘dating sites’ that coax them into coughing up confidential data or downloading fake apps that steal everything on the sly.

We know that ad is promising horny singles nearby, but just don’t click it, okay? Take our word for it: It’s probably not gonna work out.

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While you’re at it, don’t download anything, either

Ever heard of a Trojan virus? It’s a type of malware that disguises itself as a legitimate-looking file, like an MP3 or PDF. You download it with the best of intentions, and then boom — hackers gain access to your device.

Sometimes, these viruses hide inside content you can download from porn sites, according to a 2018 Kaspersky report. It named six different Trojans that had “been hiding within porn apps and video players, stealing users’ data and money by the second.”

The takeaway here? Play it safe: Don’t download any files, software, or apps that you find on a porn site.

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Use antivirus software

Searching for porn in Chrome’s Incognito Mode grants you a certain level of privacy, in that it prevents your device from storing any of your browser history — but sorry folks, it doesn’t bolster your defenses against online hackers. For that, you’ll want some solid antivirus software.

Here are recommended options for PC, Mac, and Android that’ll keep you safer as you search for smut. Apple’s iOS devices are inherently very secure — but if you still want a little extra protection, has a few options.

Use a VPN

VPN stands for virtual private network; it’s a tool you can use to protect your personal information when you’re looking at porn on any form of public Wi-Fi. The Daily Dot recommends VPN Unlimited, which charges $39 for lifetime coverage of your computer and smartphone.


Use safe search engines

In recent years, Google has made it a lot harder to search for porn. Sure, such filters come in handy when your kids are using the computer. But sometimes you don’t feel like sifting through pages of search results just to find a decent clip.

That’s why there are sites like Boodigo, a search engine that delivers results exclusively for adult entertainment sites including video hosting, traditional membership sites, porn star blogs, and sex toy stores. Boodigo only sends you to sites that have been screened for the viruses and malware porn that notoriously infect computers.

Plus, the company pledges to never harvest any of its users’ personal data to sell to advertisers — which means search engines won’t autofill with your favorite fetish phrases when someone else is using your computer later.


Use a social platform

Reddit, the home of inspiring weight-loss transformations and supportive communities for balding men, is also a massive hub for XXX content. No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll probably find it in one of the platform’s dozens of sexy subreddits.

Reddit’s security isn’t perfect, but if you search for porn, you can see photos, GIFs, and videos without any pop-ads for sexy singles getting in the way. All you have to do is head to a subreddit — Inverse has some good recommendations, in case you need a little inspiration — and scroll down.

Tumblr and Twitter also let you view sex GIFs without exposing yourself to danger — just be careful not to pull a Ted Cruz.

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