Personal Health

I’ve never had sex or done anything sexual in my life. I woke up with a small blue and red sore on my penis near the shaft. I didn’t think much of it until I got a second one a few weeks later. It then went away for about a month and then I got a third bump. My doctor said it was an “ingrown hair”, and said it’s not contagious. I’m scared it can be an STD and it could be contagious.

Good job for making an appointment with your doctor. Anytime you have unexplained symptoms or questions, your doctor is there

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Personal Health

I had sex with my girlfriend during her menstruation period. We used a male condom and weeks later I developed a cough. Rumor has it that it’s connected to what we did and that the cough never stops and has no cure. Could this be true?

Thanks for your question and congrats on using condoms when you have sex! There are many “rumors” and myths about

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Personal Health

I shaved my pubic hair at the base of my penis and most of the skin has become a crusty rash. This is now happening on my penis. I’ve never had sexual intercourse, so I’m not sure what the problem is!

Shaving can be really rough on delicate skin, including the skin around your genitals. This goes for both guys and

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