The Score: 4.8The Verdict: Fragrance marketers often talk of wanting to create a love-hate fragrance that will inspire legions of admirers. Miyako by Auphorie achieved the first goal and certainly divisiveness, scoring both 1s and 10s.”Love it or loathe it. There’s no in-between.”Artistic score: 1Innovation score: 10″I have never, ever smelled anything like this. Drop-dead wonderful.”Artistic score: 10Innovation score: 10″Woody tobacco yet also ink-intriguing in a good way on top. A common very sweet vanilla background, surprisingly not long-lasting is a pity. A good one for a two- to three-hour date…or to re-spray.”Artistic score: 6Innovation score: 4″Aggressive fruity/strawberry/raspberry note, smells like jam, but cheap jam loaded with synthetics. More suitable for a household product.”Artistic score: 1Innovation score: 2″Wow! This fragrance is stunning. The first time I smelled this it was almost too intense. Once I got used to the vibrancy, I loved its drydown into a dewy and creamy coconut. This is something new, and done very well.”Artistic score: 8Innovation score: 8″For me, it’s an awful Eastern fragrance with oud/exotic fruits with spices, on a coconut base…heavy, oily fat. The vomit repulsive sensation is not far away. I can’t wear it long, but it sticks on the skin.”Artistic score: 1Innovation score: 1″I will never ask someone to wear such a horrible scent. It is simply an insult to perfumery and consumers.”Artistic score: 2Innovation score: 3
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