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Stop calling it the G spot! Experts say it's actually a 'G-ZONE'

Stop calling it the G-Spot! Sexual health experts say it’s actually a ‘ZONE’ made up of five ‘erotogenic’ regions

  • Sexual health experts say the term G-Spot is misleading as its not one thing
  • They instead say five tissues make up the functions ascribed to the G-Spot
  • This means the term ‘spot’ is misleading as it implies a single area, they claim
  • It is latest chapter in ongoing scientific sage regarding the nature of the G-Spot

The elusive ‘G-Spot should actually be named the ‘G-Zone’, sexual health experts have claimed.

Researchers say the term — used to describe an erogenous area of the vagina that supposedly triggers intense orgasms when stimulated — is ‘misleading’.   

For years, it has been popularly described as being located a few inches inside the vagina on the upper walls of the organ.

But experts now say no single spot exists and that five separate ‘erotogenic’ tissues perform the pleasure sensations ascribed to the G-Spot. 

These are the clitoral crura, the clitoral bulb, the peri-urethral glands, the urethra, and the anterior vaginal wall itself.

The G-Spot is named after German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg, who described the orgasm-producing area in the 1950s.

Dr Gräfenberg himself did not coin the term. 

G spot or G Zone? Sexual health experts have said the term G Spot is misleading as no singular area is responsible for all of its ascribed functions with five different regions  of female anatomy playing a role in its functions

The clitoral crura

These are two internal tissue structures which together form a V shape converging from the clitoris downwards.

During sexual arousal the clitoral crura become engorged with blood, fulfilling the swelling and pleasure components of the G-Zone.

The clitoral bulb

This is internal tissue shaped like a bulb that flanks either side of the vaginal opening.

During arousal the structures fill with blood increasing the pressure on other structures creating a pleasure sensation. This area also fulfills the swelling and pleasure components of the G-Zone.

The ‘prostate’ (also called Skene’s gland)

This tissue is located near the female urethra, the opening through which urine passes.

It plays a role in pleasure sensations and fluid ejaculation before and during orgasm. 

The urethra

This is the hole that urine passes through and is located above the vagina. It has a role in the pleasure sensation part of the G Zone.

The anterior vaginal wall 

This is the muscle tissue located on the upper wall of the vagina, the spot where the ‘G spot’ has been ascribed to. This tissue is involved with pleasure sensation. 

But he was the first to scientifically describe an ‘erotic zone’ located ‘on the anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra’.

The ‘G-Spot’ was named in his honour by Dr Frank Addiego and colleagues, who wrote about female ejaculation in the 1980s.

Now Dr Irwin Goldstein, editor in chief of the Sexual Medicine Reviews journal, has called for a name change.

Writing alongside two other executives at the publication, they claimed the ‘correct term’ should be the ‘Gräfenberg-Zone or G-Zone’. 

They came to this conclusion after re-analysing the original description of the area first described by Dr Gräfenberg.

‘Based on the description by Gräfenberg of the anterior vaginal wall as containing a “distinct erotogenic zone”, we believe that the subsequent use of the term “G-Spot”, coined 31 years later by Addiego et al, to be misleading,’ they wrote.

They said Dr Gräfenberg originally attributed three functions to the ‘erotic zone’ — ‘pleasurable sensations’, ‘swelling’, and ‘fluid ejaculation’.

Since no single ‘spot’ is responsible for all the functions, they said it’s likely that five separate tissues are involved. 

‘We suggest the current term “G-Spot” is misleading and therefore inappropriate,’ the team wrote.

‘The five erotogenic regions of the anterior vaginal wall be more accurately and appropriately termed the “Gräfenberg Zone or G-Zone”.’

The authors of the editorial urge sexual health experts to consider this name change for future research. 

The science behind the G-Spot is contentious, with various studies claiming it does not exist because even researchers cannot find it.

As recently as last year, Portuguese scientists failed to pinpoint its location, size or nature. 

They described the G-Spot as being akin to the lost city of Atlantis.

Another hypothesis is that the G-Spot is simply a deep-lying inner part of the clitoris stimulated during sex. 

Some experts have claimed studies saying the G-Spot doesn’t exist are discounting the experiences of women who claim to have one. 

Others argue a focus on the G-Spot, in terms of female sexual pleasure, could make those who struggle to orgasm from its stimulation feel inadequate or abnormal’. 

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