Health News

Severe asthma stole my job, health and independence from me

The petrified look on my best friend’s face as I was rushed to hospital – gasping for breath from an asthma attack – will stay with me for the rest of my life.

The attack had taken hold at home in 2018 and, as I powered through my inhalers, I realised none of them were helping me to catch my breath.

Once I got to the hospital, doctors tried to manage my symptoms with nebulisers, magnesium and injections, but they were struggling to get my breathing under control. At just 25 years old, I was fighting for my life.

Some people still don’t think asthma is serious or can kill and yet here I was struggling to breathe and wondering if I would survive and ever see my family again.

I was diagnosed with asthma when I was six years old. Since then, I’ve been blue-lighted to the hospital dozens of times, hoping and praying I’d make it out alive.

Asthma has affected every aspect of my life and I get so down when I think about all the weddings, funerals and holidays I’ve had to miss out on because of it.

The most upsetting thing is regularly missing out on time with my nephews growing up.

Asthma is a very common lung condition, affecting 5.4million people in the UK. With mine so severe, I felt like the odd one out from my friends – watching them go on holidays, progress in their careers and start a family – and found it difficult to explain to my friends and family how one moment I could be up and about and the next collapsed on the floor gasping for air.

A lot of the time, I don’t have any trigger and it’s my eosinophils (disease-fighting white blood cells) being randomly high that triggers it. However, I do have allergies to animal dander, dust mites and food and drink with high amount of sulphates (wine!) sets me off.

Alcohol often contains a lot of sulphates so not enjoying this with friends has been a massive thing for me. Also, heat and smoke is a big trigger.

Aged 25, as I was wheeled into hospital for my 12th admission that year, I knew that my asthma was about to steal my dream job from me too.

Being an intensive care nurse was a huge part of my identity and something I’d worked so hard for. But the combination of long hours and the risk of infection from looking after the hospital’s sickest patients had sent my asthma into overdrive.

I would work shifts on the ICU in the morning, then be admitted as a patient myself the same day.

I’d feel totally helpless and scared as I listened to doctors and nurses talking about me, with my training as a nurse meaning I understood what they were saying about how unwell I was.

The only treatment offered to me to manage my asthma was steroid tablets. These drugs are my best friend and my worst enemy: while they’re life-saving for my asthma, the side effects I get are horrendous.

Long-term steroid use has weakened my bones so badly that there have been times I have coughed and broken my ribs. I have also developed sleep apnoea – a sleep disorder where my breathing repeatedly stops and starts, so I have to wear a machine every night to improve my sleep quality.

Weight gain is another common side effect of long-term steroid tablets and, at one point, I put on six stones in six months. My friends didn’t recognise me in the street and my already fragile confidence nosedived.

My identity and independence was slipping away from me and I had to move back in with my parents because I needed so much support to mobilise, wash, dress, make meals.

I just couldn’t look after myself living alone and would be up every night with asthma symptoms needing lots of nebulisers just in case I needed to go to hospital.

I felt depressed and desperate.

But then there was a ray of hope. In November 2018, I was finally referred to a specialist asthma clinic, where I was told about a life-changing type of asthma treatment called a biologic.

These treatments work by helping to stop body processes that cause lung inflammation. At first I was sceptical – if this drug was so ground-breaking, why hadn’t I been given it sooner 

I’ve since learnt that I’m one of tens of thousands of people who battle asthma attacks but aren’t referred for specialist treatments, often because severe asthma is so under-recognised.

Asthma + Lung UK – the charity supporting everyone with a lung condition – have funded research into the development of these ground-breaking drugs and have been campaigning for them to be approved, as well as for everyone who needs them to get them.

I get given the drug in hospital by injection every eight weeks. Within a few months, I started to notice I was sleeping better and able to go on short walks.

In October 2019, I started seeing a clinical psychologist, who supported me to manage the effects of living with this long-term condition on my mental health.

Since starting on the biologic, I’ve become much more active and independent, back living in my own place and managing well in my new job as an occupational health nurse. I’m lucky to have a supportive employer and that I can work from home and move my hours around when I have bad days.

While my asthma still flares up, my symptoms are much less severe than before I started taking the biologic, called Benralizumab.

What these drugs have given me above all else is hope for the future.

I couldn’t see a life for myself where asthma wasn’t controlling every aspect of it, but now I’m working towards coming off steroids completely as it can take time to safely come off these tablets and I am continuing to see my symptoms improve.

Severe asthma is still a big part of my life and such a horrible disease. Like most lung conditions, there isn’t enough research being done to help find new treatments and cures. 

Asthma + Lung UK’s new Fighting for Breath campaign is shining a spotlight on the horrible injustice that less than 2% of public spend on medical research is on lung conditions. This is despite respiratory disease being the third biggest killer in England (after cancer and cardiovascular disease).

Research into new drugs has helped me get my life back on track and now I’m involved in research studies to help other people get the same opportunity.

Severe asthma stole my job, health and independence from me – but thanks to these ground-breaking treatments for the first time in years I’m feeling hopeful about my future.

Asthma + Lung UK is the UK charity supporting everyone with a lung condition and fighting for every breath. It is calling for the government to invest more research into lung conditions. For information and support about a lung condition visit or call the helpline on 0300 222 5800.

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