The Nobel prize for medicine this year, a research Trio from the United States and the United Kingdom. The Karolinska Institute announced today in Stockholm. William Kaelin, Peter Ratcliffe and Gregg Semenza, have been awarded for their discovery of how oxygen affects the cell metabolism and physiological functions.
Animals need oxygen, nutrients and convert it into energy. This insight is already quite old. Yet you do not know, however, how cells adjust to Changes in the oxygen content. The exact mechanisms have now been explored by the three scientists. This Knowledge is important for the treatment of numerous diseases, justified the Jury their decision for awarding the prize. The discovery had opened the way to promising strategies against anemia, cancer and many other diseases.
The Nobel prize for medicine and physiology awarded since 1901, and the highest award for medical students, was endowed this year, with the equivalent of 830,000 euros (9 million Swedish kronor). In the past year, the US-American James Allison and the Japanese Tasuku Honjo the medicine received the Nobel prize for the development of immune therapies against cancer.
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