The manufacturer Unilever calls the product “Knorr fix for Sauerbraten”. As the company has announced, carrying the packaging of the product, the RU-Vegan-Logo instead of the RU-Vegetarian-logo. In addition, reference to a vegan preparation. However, the product whey testimony and milk containing sugar.
The Portal " reported;for product". Both of these ingredients are not declared in the list of ingredients correctly. Consumers with a milk protein Allergy was, therefore, the risk of an allergic reaction. For the vegan diet the product is unsuitable.
Affected all products with the following expiration dates:
At least not durable until the end of 01-2021, 02-2021 and 03-2021
The date of minimum durability is to be found in the lower area of the back of pack to. Other products and batches should not be affected. In addition, the product, apart from the Declaration was error, of good quality.
All the data for the product "Knorr Fix for Sauerbraten":
- Product: KNORR FIX for Sauerbraten
- Packing Unit: Portion Sachet
- Durability: 31.03.2021
- Date of production: 04.11.2019 to 15.01.2020
- Los-marking: LOT starting with L9293, L9294, L9329, L9339, L9349 and L9350
- The manufacturer (distributor): Unilever Deutschland Holding GmbH, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
for product callback: “Knorr Fix for Sauerbraten”
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