Cow’s milk has long been regarded as a healthy nutrient supplier. But the Image of the animal product has deteriorated dramatically in recent years. There are now not only a number of herbal Alternatives on the market, but also animal versions like the A2 or Urmilch. You will be healthier and easier to digest. A Fact Check.
In the supermarket we find all possible varieties of cow’s milk – from whole milk over low-fat up lactose-free, as traditional, or longer-lasting variant, or the non-pasteurized preferred milk. Now you can " occasionally, as a novelty, the;Urmilch" or A2 milk. It has this milk trend on.
What is the difference between A1 and A2 milk?
The difference between A1 and A2 milk is in their biochemical composition: The casein is merely a matter of a different amino acid in the milk protein Beta. While A1 milk contains histidine at a certain position in the amino acid chain, sitting there in A2 milk, the amino acid Proline. The latter is also contained in the milk of other animals, such as sheep or goats. It is assumed that, even in cows ‘ milk originally to Proline, the predominantly-occurring amino acid – that is why A2 milk is also referred to as Urmilch.
The different amino acid results in the two milk types, that they are degraded in the gut in different ways. Only when the A1 Digest milk is produced in the intestine, the peptide BCM7, which is believed to have an increased risk for chronic diseases.
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What cows give A2 milk?
What kind of milk a cow, depends on their genetics. There are cows with an A2/A2 genotype, those with the genotype A1/A1 and A1/A2. Above all, the race is crucial. A2-milk, in particular Jersey cattle, and the breed of cows, Brown Swiss and Guernsey, such as the Max-Rubner-Institute writes. According to the Federal center for nutrition cows of the Fleckvieh breed give mainly A2 milk. A considerable part of the cattle produced in Europe, a mixture of A1 and A2 milk.
A2 milk is healthier than other milk?
A2 milk can be attributed to various health benefits. For the past few years, there is talk that A1 milk poses health risks. You could promote autism, and disorders in lipid metabolism, but also age, diabetes, and trigger.
Whether the health advantage of the alternative milk actually is some truth to this, scientists from the competence center for nutrition (Kern) of the Bavarian state learning Ministry for food, agriculture and forestry together with experts from Cochrane, an international network of Doctors and science, and recently studied. You have taken all 21 studies under the microscope.
A unique Council, the researchers were not able to give the consumer, however. “On the Basis of the scientific evidence, no recommendation for the A2 and currently this are milk pronounced,” says Christine Röger, head of science at the core.
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The reason for this is that the results of The study were very different. While some studies showed a link between milk consumption and certain diseases, others could not confirm this. In addition, the nuclear experts will come to the conclusion that the investigated studies were frequently not very trustworthy, because they have methodological flaws. Her conclusion: “Further human studies, which provide a high level of data quality, are necessary.”
A2 milk is more tolerable for people with Lactose-intolerance?
No, because of the lactose content of A1 and A2 milk is no different. That A2 milk for lactose intolerant people is better tolerated, lacks, according to the Max-Rubner-Institute, therefore, "any scientific Grundlage".
Where does the A2 milk Trend?
Especially in new Zealand, A2 milk is marketed successfully for years. Also in Australia, the Urmilch has gained long popularity. Meanwhile, they sold increasingly also in the USA and in some European countries, including the Netherlands and Austria, but especially in the UK. Also in Germany is increasingly available.
Cow’s milk is generally unhealthy?
Here, the opinions diverge. Nobel laureate Harald zur Hausen, about believes that cow’s milk contains just like beef, infectious Cancer-causing agents.
Is secured that a lot of people do not tolerate cow’s milk. About 15 percent of adults in this country is lactose intolerant, worldwide, there are 75 percent. People with lactose intolerance the enzyme lactase to digest milk sugar (lactose).
Also, the milk we buy in the Store is, today, an industrially processed food that comes from the dairy. There it was pasteurized, homogenized, in their single parts, heat-treated and longer preserved. Particularly, the homogenization in the criticism. The method is to prevent the surface of a Rahmschicht settles. You, however, made increasingly responsible for ensuring that milk can cause an Allergy.
However, milk is considered by many to still be considered healthy. The core-scientists write: “milk is a high-quality food, and delivers in concentrated Form of essential nutrients.” Also, the Max-Rubner-Institute reported on its sides, that is nothing to be said against the consumption of milk and dairy products in moderation: “Basically, no increased risk of disease consists in the in Germany usual consumption of milk and milk products.” The opposite is the case: “A moderate consumption is associated with a slightly reduced risk for cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and type 2 Diabetes mellitus.”
The German nutrition society (DGE) lists the benefits of milk, such as high nutrient density, a wealth of calcium, high quality protein and vitamins as well as minerals and trace elements.
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