Diet & Food

Prventions program: Healthy on the Job

Healthy Ernäcurrency, more exercise, relaxation: A ­Program of pension insurance to work, it ­before a rehab nötig is

Prävention Berufst&auml programs;transparent help f&uuml, ;r develop a healthy lifestyle

Rücover school, Yoga, autogenic Training: The statutory health insurance funds take part in läcustomizable to the cost für health courses. But other Träger now on prevention.

The German pension insurance, for instance, offers a free program für to the Insured, in order for this früactivity at an early stage to address issues such as Blut­high-pressure, Erschöcreation or joint pain tackle köcan. "The idea behind it is not, at the first signs of counter, so you wird&quot even sick;, Karin Klopsch of the German pension insurance says.

What power is it?

The prevention program includes three modules: Ernäcurrency, movement, relaxation. The topics are üabout half a year in the taught modules. In theory and In practice ­the participants, ges&uuml learn;to life – for example through better time management, exercise, be­knew breaks, gesünderes eat.

The long period of time is intentional: studies show that people with long-term Unterstüup rather manage to translate the lessons learned. The program takes place in ­Groups. Priorities and training plan will be individually für the participants agreed. "An employee with weight problems has ­­other Bedüneeds than someone who is under chronic Stress leidet", so Karin Klopsch.

Who is eligible for it?

All berufstätransparent Insured, the ­something für your health and want to do and already the first complaints.

The köcan joint or headache as well as Üthe mountain-weight, chronic Stress, low Mood or Schlaf­stö. Erfahrungsgemäß are some groups stästronger affected than ­other: shift workers, carers ­Angehörige, Alleinerzie­existing, commuter or FührungskräRTD are considered to be health particularly gefährdet. "The offer, however, is deliberately intended to be very low threshold, so that möas many people use it können", Klopsch says. Also important: Köphysical and mental Proble­me gleichermaßen berütaken into account.

How läfrom running the program?

The offer is divided into four phases.

Start: The participants will meet für three to fünf days in a rehab clinic and be dafür of the work. After a health Check you will receive a training plan and set your goals. ­Außalso, you get basic information to ­all three ­Areas. They learn methods to relax, as you gesüof ernädo and what kind of movement is good for you.

Second Phase: The schließen three months berufs­assisted Training in which the trained ver­will be firm. The participants will meet dafür – up twice wöweekly to address problems and to motivate each other.

Third Phase: Now, is self-initiative in demand. Each übt für self-– a kind of test run dafür, whether the ­new strategies in everyday life. "The ­­Participants should make the learning a habit, in order to permanently of profitieren", so Klopsch.

Conclusion: All meet once again to the meeting. What is working well? Where, then, is missing? Were the goals achieved? Adjustments are nötig?

Exercise with accompaniment

So the profession runs the accompanying programme of the German pension insurance. Goal: a healthier life style

1. Initial phase

In this a few-day Phase f&uuml is;r each
Participants developed an individual program with targets and ­­Basic knowledge of motion, ­Ernämanagement and relaxation. The participants are wäduring the of the work.

2. Training phase

The participants will learn more about the topics and train the skilled für several ­Months. They meet once or twice a wöweekly in in
your leisure and continue your Berufstätightness after.

3. Self-training phase

Für a few months – and ­möas possible permanently – the participants put what they have Learned selbststäfully in everyday life.

4. Refresh phase

After several months of self-training, the participants f&uuml meet;r one or more days and are dafür of the work. It comes to discuss Learned to refresh, problems and prüfen, if the initially set objectives have been achieved.

How can I make the request?

Because the performance in contrast to the Offerings of health insurance to persöpersonal requirements it is coupled two things are nötig: A ämedical report of findings and a ausgefüllter "Request for services to the Prävention".

The former, every house, company or plant doctor’s may issue, which usually easily möresembled is. The Antrags­documentation, is available for Download on the website of the pension scheme. Prerequisite für the licence: The applicant must Pflicht&shy within the last two years for at least six months;beiträge pension insurance have paid. Karin Klopsch encourages those interested to apply for the performance: "The courses are a real opportunity to permanently gesüto life."

Where is there more information?

On the Webseite all information and forms, as well as a &Uuml found;review of around 200 locations that offer the program. For more info, there is also a free service number: 08 00/10 00 48 00.

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