Diet & Food

Chocolate Dipped Vegan Crispy Caramel Squares

Crispy on the outside gooey in the middle… Beware it will be hard to stop at just one!


1 Cup Dates

½ Cup Water

¼ Cup Lucuma

2 Tbsps Maca

1/3 Cup Coconut oil

6 drops Vanilla extract

Pinch Celtic Salt

2 Tbsps Chia Seeds

¼ Cup Goji berries

¼ Cup Shredded coconut

½ Cup Sprouted and Dehydrated Buckwheat

Liquid Chocolate

½ Cup Cacao butter, melted

¼ Cup Coconut Oil

¾ Cup Cacao Powder

1/4 Cup Coconut nectar

pinch Vanilla powder

Pinch Celtic Salt




Place the dates and water in the food processor and process till smooth. Add the coconut oil, lucuma, maca and vanilla extract and process till all nicely combined.

Transfer to a bowl and mix in all the dry ingredients. Spread out into a non stick baking sheet allowing it to be approx 1 cm high.

Chill in the freezer for 30 min until firm enough to cut into squares. Dip into Liquid chocolate coating if desired recipe below.

Liquid Chocolate: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. 

This recipe was created for Women’s Health by Julie Mitsios from Earth To Table.

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