Kälte relieves pain, reduces Entzüinventions, and prevents Schäof it, due to lack of oxygen caused köcan. The make Äadvantage of doctors increasingly
In the Kältesauna: minus grades are intended to prevent muscle soreness
The Wind cuts through a flake grey Sky, cracks the ice and shatters the Kälte, hunt you a dog in front of the Tür – let alone yourself. Winter weather is not afraid of the man naturgemäß. Für our organism, of a constant Köbody temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius benöconfirmed, means a too großit is a drop in temperature once the Stress.
The Kon­ can just;to trast is also beneficial. A continuous run in the freezing Wind, or even a dip in a mountain stream bring hormones, immune system and blood circulation. Zunäfirst of all, the blood in the Köbody core zurück, then, after the Kältereiz, the äußeren Köbody parts particularly hard to bleed. These so-called reactive Hyperämie revives the tissues. Also the mind and mood will be refreshed.
Already in the antiquity prescribed römix Ädoctors to their patients cold Güsse or Umschläge. In the 19th century. Century developed the schwäatmosphere pastor Sebastian Kneipp, the idea of using ungemüpublic temperature stimuli köphysical self-healing processes anzustoßen.
Kälte has an analgesic effect
Meanwhile, scientific studies on the therapeutic effects of such Kneipp cures demonstrated, for example in the case of chronic Bronchitis, Funktionsstöin the peripheral nervous system or high blood pressure. And the medicine today is in the Detail erklären, why people Kälte has always a soothing effect felt – and uses this Knowledge in a targeted manner.
Obviously, and above all, the analgesic effect. Probably learned already some kind of prehistoric man to schäappreciate, as he out of sheer Need ice on a bump pressed. "By the Kältereiz narrow the Blutgefäße, which zunäfirst, once the swelling in the injured tissue reduces wird", erklärt Dr. Christoph Bleh, senior physician and head of the Physical and Rehabilitative medicine at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen.
Außalso forward nerves and painreceptors are below their operating temperature only träge. Clammy limbs stiff – but it is also less sensitive. Expert Bleh: "The lokalanäaesthetic effect hält 30 to 120 minutes."
Controversial effect: The "Eistonne" against muscle soreness
Generations of athletes have it as a erlösend experienced, when the team doctor icy is a bruising short-hand quasi. Now kümany an Athlete feels after a Competition the same all the way down. The "Eistonne" was spätesting by the Fußballweltmostly team 2014 berühmt. Moderate Kümisconduct of the muscles immediately after the Match to let the smallest cracks and strains in the tissue to heal faster, and in this way, the recovery phase, the Kicker verküshorten.
Among sports medical professionals the principle is controversial. The prestigious Cochrane Library widersprü determined;slight of research results: The Nachkümisconduct könne muscles to both alleviate as well as verstäTurks. Nevertheless, many clubs have Kältekammern für your players. Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo is even a private Käto have ltesauna at home.
Of the Kühlkammer to the ice-Lolly now extends the Repertoire of so-called cryomedicine of the applications as they come in various chronic diseases. The ötender betäubende effect of cold Sprays or pads helps Gelenkverschleiß or Sehnenirritation. Cool packs always umwrap, frostbite of the skin to avoid. Alternatively, you can ice cream on a stick on the skin to move, so that the resulting melt water, the läthe decoded Region gently kühlt.
Kälte works against the Entzünding in autoimmune diseases
"We are familiar with today, but still spezifishing effects of Kältereizen, the therapeutically use lassen", expert Bleh says. In unterküwhile tissue is less Entzü- making substances are released, what is the medicine for rheumatoid Arthritis or psoriasis makes use of. Papatients with such autoimmune diseases – äsimilar to Fußshooting – of a Kümisconduct of the whole Köbody benefit. This happens in special chambers, in which extremely low temperatures. A few minutes at minus 110 degrees Celsius däfight joint pain and itching. According to Bleh the effect ü can;ber months stop.
However, the Tiefkü have;hlreiz no healing effect: "It is a purely symptomatic therapy, the a reduced pain perception-based." This will also ­ this;unterdrückt that Kälte and painsensation in the nervous system to the same Kanäle compete. The organism freezes strong enough, it lacks the Kapazität to at the same time pain to feel.
The human Köthe body has more Kälte as Wärmerezeptoren
Üin General demand from frosty temperatures like the people a lot. Because of its ideal Umgebungstemtemperature is approximately between 25 and 27 degrees. In this area of the Kö can;body easily überschüsingle storey Wärme issue, which he produced during metabolism. The temperature drops further, küfrom the hlt, he is too strong and needs to expend more energy, to be home Affairs to schüsupport. The muscles tremble, to Wärme to generate the Gefäße in the skin constrict to the Wärme of blood in the Körperto keep internal.
In the corresponding alert enable the organism Käsenior co-receptors in the skin. It is really fresh, only help wäwarming clothing or a warm Dwelling, the Trembling to stop. Käsenior co-receptors, üexceed the number of Wärmerezeptoren the Achttimes.
This shows how important Kältesensitivity für the adaptation of our ancestors to the plains außoutside of their tropical cradle. As the Frühmenschen once from Africa to the North opened, did not know you, what you einließen – but it had to spüren köcan, to adapt and to schüsupport.
Kälte affects the Schäthe due to lack of oxygen contrary to
Also in intensive care units Kä have;ltereize now. So patients after a läyounger heart-circulatory standstill für a few hours to a few degrees heruntergekühlt. The bewährt to Hirnschäto reduce the normally occur after a few minutes of lack of oxygen.
The Kälte reduces the oxygen demand of the cells and freezes processes to your death führen. According to a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine also Sä benefit from this effect;uglinge, the wäduring the birth, lack of oxygen suffered.
Had discovered the effect in the case of persons who broke into the ice cream. Up to a half-hour after Drowning in cold water, you could be revived. At least for a time, it is like the dip in the mountain stream: The Kälte hält is also fresh.