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Carl Fogarty health: Motorbike racing champ was left struggling to breathe due to Covid

Covid-19: Sir Patrick Vallance warns 'virus hasn't gone away'

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The racer, who is renowned for his high corner speed riding style, combined with intense competitiveness is used to a fast paced and dangerous lifestyle, that has left him with multiple serious injuries over the years. So when his wife Michaela, experienced symptoms which left her with high temperatures, aches and shivers and difficulty breathing, life took a slower turn. It wasn’t long before Fogarty came down with Covid himself, and ended up self-isolating for a lengthy period of time.

In an interview back in March 2020, Fogarty said: “We’d already been staying in the house and not venturing out but I started to develop symptoms about 10 days ago.

“At first it was just a cough and I was a bit achy, but by Friday night and into Saturday morning I was aching all over and shivering.

“It was a bit scary. I was struggling to breathe at one point.

“My wife had symptoms too and was struggling with her chest, she said it was like someone was pushing down on it. It felt like I had shingles all across my back.”

Although the star didn’t “know for sure” if he was suffering from Covid, as he didn’t take an official test, he added: “I don’t know what else it could be.

“I’ve been ill before and I do catch colds quite easily but not like this, this was something completely new.”

Over the years, Fogarty has battled not only physical illness but injuries, due to the nature of his career. Back in 2015, Fogarty recalled some of these past injuries, saying: “I’ve had many injuries over the years, including fracturing my right thigh bone, right shinbone and collarbone several times.

“[They] have taken their toll, so I need to keep my body supple and active to prevent my joints seizing up.

“I used to run three times a week, but stopped in 2006 due to knee problems. I cycle instead, as it’s not so tough on the knees.

“My worst injury was a fractured left shoulder after coming off my bike at 140mph on a wet track while competing in Australia in 2000.

“I needed screws and plates in my shoulder, which are still there, and had to retire from racing after 15 years.”

Having proved he can recover from terrifying injuries, Fogarty was also able to overcome Covid, with the help of a few home-remedies and vitamins.

The star added: “It’s eased off slightly now, but I’ve just been trying to stay healthy. I had my head over a steaming bowl of hot water with Vicks Vaporub in it, and have been trying to get lots of vitamin D and C.

“I’ve been drinking lots of orange juice and lemon and honey, things like that.

“I’m not an expert but if people do feel like they’ve got symptoms I’d say try not to stress or panic too much as it’ll make it worse. Try relaxing and getting loads of rest.”

Although Fogarty was speaking back in 2020, Covid is still rampant in the UK, with infection at a record high in some parts of the country.

According to Government data from March 31, deaths within 28 days of a positive test were up 21.3 percent, standing at 1,097. There was also an increase of 11.6 percent in patients admitted to hospital.

It was reported by the Independent that some 349,011 people are being infected every day with the deadly virus according to the latest Zoe Covid Study update – the highest figure since the beginning of the pandemic. This figure comes in the same week that the government ends mass free testing in England.

Although there is not one singular factor that can explain why infections have increased, the chance of individuals being reinfected, the easing of restrictions and the increase of being exposed to Covid all happening, it is possible a combination of these factors have contributed to a rise in numbers.

The NHS still states that the main symptoms of Covid include a high temperature, a new continuous cough and a loss of change in both taste or smell. For those that test positive for Covid, they can infect others for at least five days from when symptoms start.

In line with the government’s “Living with Covid” plan, current guidelines for England include:

  • If you test positive for Covid you are no longer legally required to self-isolate, but you are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with others for at least five full days
  • Masks are no longer legally required in most public spaces – although they are still required in healthcare settings, such as GP surgeries, hospitals and care homes
  • Lateral flow tests (LFTs) will no longer be free, except for the over-75s and over-12s with weakened immune systems
  • The NHS Covid pass will no longer be recognised as a “vaccine passport” within the UK.

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