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Covid-19 News: Bayern by the end of the Corona-Pause in deportations

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. Already, more than 7.5 million people globally have become infected with the novel Coronavirus, 186.028 in Germany – where it comes increasingly to local outbreaks.

With decreasing Corona-infections Minister Joachim Herrmann expects to Bavaria for the second half of the year with the resumption of the deportation flights.

"We have the Corona-crisis and new framework conditions. De facto are currently set to the flights, because the countries of origin because of the risk of infection returns hardly akzeptieren", the CSU politician said on Sunday the German press Agency in Munich.

He but assume that will loosen up in the second half of the year. "The air transport is intensified again." From Wednesday to Friday, the Minister of the interior conference of the Federation and the länder in Erfurt.

In perspective, it must be from the Lord’s point of view, also deportations to Syria. In the upcoming Minister of the interior conference is an extension of the deportation stop is still unavoidable. "In our opinion, in particular, offenders must können&quot be led back to Syria;, he stressed. "In the future, we must perform a differentiation. For example, a have committed criminal offences Syrians, of the avowed followers of Assad’s regime needs to be able to, back to Damascus to be brought."

All further messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Trump leaves in small steps to the stage and makes for speculation

FOCUS Online/Wochit Trump leaves in small steps to the stage and makes for speculation


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