Personal Health

Fever reduce any price? This fever-facts you should know

If the Thermometer to sound the Alarm, many have the impulse to lower the fever as quickly as possible. But that is not always useful: As a part of the natural immune response fever helps the body to be a disease done.

1. Why does the man ever have a fever?

For the Regulation of body temperature is a certain part of the Brain: the Hypothalamus. He ensures, through heat generation, or levy to ensure that the temperature Inside remains fairly constant.

Certain substances called Pyrogens, can cause the Hypothalamus to increase the normal temperature. As components of pathogens can enter the body. On the other, there are endogenous Pyrogens on the heat-regulation influence.

2. What temperature is normal?

The body temperature of a healthy adult is approximately 37 degrees. However, the normal temperature of a Person may differ to Person to the top or the bottom of something. Factors such as physical activity, time of day or hormonal fluctuations in the temperature also have an impact.

In General, we speak of fever if the body temperature After at least 38 degrees Celsius is.

The body temperature of the adult human

Note: There are differing views about when a fever is present, and when the fever is high. The values above represent a rough guide.

3. Why is fever in children is often particularly high?

Especially in the case of small children the temperatures soar, often rapidly. In most cases, is no reason for concern: compared to adults, sweating kids with a fever less and later, so you generate less heat. In addition, your body can’t regulate the temperature well.

Add to this, that babies and small children in the healthy state, a slightly higher body temperature. In a newborn the temperature of the body is internal, around 37.5 degrees Celsius.

4. Indicates fever is always on an infection?

No. Infection with pathogens is a common cause of fever – but there are also many other possible causes. So, fever diseases, for example autoimmune diseases such as sarcoidosis, in the context of a cancer disease, in the case of heat exhaustion and sunstroke, or an overactive thyroid occur. Not least, strong physical stress, such as a Marathon may lead to short-term fever.

5. Reduce fever: Yes or no?

Many are already in the case of slightly increase temperature to antipyretic preparations. Is necessary but usually not.

On the contrary, pathogens feel at a normal temperature of around 37 degrees particularly well. The temperature rises, the body viruses, bacteria & Co. easier to eliminate. The increased temperature supports the body in the fight against pathogens. Even fever, you should not look therefore the same with drugs, if it doesn’t have to be necessarily.

Generally speaking, Antipyretic measures are temperatures of 39 degrees is useful. In the case of persons with pre-existing conditions, for example, a heart weakness, can apply to different recommendations. Ask Your Doctor. It is important to drink in any case, sufficiently. Well suited for water, juice spritzers and tea.

6. How to lower a fever is best?

Fever reducing remedy can provide relief. The actual disease is behind the fever, do not affect you, however.

To fever-reducing medication (antipyretics) include products with active ingredients such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid. Antipyretics receive over-the-counter in the pharmacy.

Acetylsalicylic acid can in children to a serious side effect cause the Reye’s syndrome. Therefore, in children, this drug only after doctor’s orders take. Babies under six months with fever should get medication in General only after consultation with the doctor.

As home remedies are calf wrap popular. Wrap both lower legs for about 10 to 20 minutes with a damp cloth. In children, the diaper should be warm to the touch, in adults, they can be cold. Make sure that you or your child are freezing, and you keep the Rest of the body warm. Not suitable calf wrap are the arms and legs to feel cold.

7. Can fever be fatal?

Only if it is very high – and this is rarely the case. Fever over 41 degrees can strain the cardiovascular system strong. In addition, damage to tissues and organs may arise, which are typically at temperatures of 42.6 degrees fatal.

8. Febrile convulsions in children are dangerous?

The body stiffens, arms and legs twitching, the child may be twisted, the eyes and his face is turning blue. Granted, a febrile seizure in babies and small children can see anything other than harmless in most cases, it is the but. In General, all the symptoms disappear after a few minutes.

In order to ensure that everything is in order, it makes nevertheless sense to inform a physician. In particular, if your child has never had a febrile seizure, you should not be afraid to call the ambulance.

Our tip: Stay calm. Do not hold the child. They speak instead of reassuring him. You ensure that your child can’t hurt himself, such as by clearing hard objects out of the way.

9. When to see a doctor?

For Adults

A moderate fever that lasts just a few days, requires in adults usually do not necessarily have a visit to the doctor. With many of the virus, the body is infections of on your own.

The doctor you should visit, if

  • the fever lasts longer than two to three days,
  • the fever is over 40 degree rise,
  • Under strong monitoring complaints; for example, purulent sputum, diarrhea or pain when urinating .
  • the fever occurs for no apparent reason,
  • You have recently been in the tropics on the way

For babies and small children

  • Infants up to the age of 3 months should be already at a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius immediately to the doctor. The Baby is very listless, not drinking it, or has skin changes, is also attached at lower temperatures, a visit to the doctor.
  • Children from 3 months to 2 years should to the doctor if it lasts longer than a day have a fever.
  • In older children, is, at the latest, after three days, a doctor’s visit due.

Regardless of the height and duration of fever is a medical examination necessarywhen complaints arise that a serious disease references can. These include, for example,

  • Confusion,
  • Lethargy, drowsiness, refusal of food and Drink,
  • a stiff neck,
  • Respiratory problems,
  • Changes, e.g., pallor or rash of skin,
  • Headache,
  • Vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea or
  • Restlessness.

If your child has had a febrile seizure, you should consult also to the doctor.

Even if the fever is moderate, says this is not necessarily a measure of the Severity of the underlying disease. Are you looking for in case of doubt, always seek medical help!


Online information of the professional Association of German internists, e. V.: (retrieval date: 10.1.2020)

Fever in babies and children. Online information from the Federal centre for health education (BZgA): (status: 3.5.2019)

Fever. Online information of the Pschyrembel: (Stand: 8)

How is the body temperature and what is a fever? Online information of the Institute for quality and efficiency in healthcare (IQWiG): (status: 2.11.2016)

Fever in children. Online information of the Institute for quality and efficiency in healthcare (IQWiG): (status: 2.11.2016)

For More Information

Onmeda-Reading Tips:

  • The temperature of the human body: Some fluctuations are normal
  • Fever: What can be the causes?
  • Reye’s syndrome: Why acetyl sylicylsäure in children is usually inappropriate

Last content review: 10.01.2020last Modification: 28.01.2019

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