Personal Health

Tooth pain with cold – these are the causes!

If a cold with a runny nose goes, is often an inflammation of the Maxillary sinuses prior to the paranasal sinuses count. The inflammatory processes in the Maxillary sinuses, in turn, can in some people also to tooth pain, because the inflamed tissue can put pressure on the tooth nerve exercise.

Usually the pain in the side of the upper jaw or the side in the upper row of teeth, there’s this from the bottom of the Maxillary sinus limits. The pain can feel like tooth pain, although the actual nerve irritation is a piece above the teeth.

Such dental pain that accompany a cold or a runny nose occur, often to no one in particular Tooth associate, but pull themselves tend to diffuse through the upper jaw, are alternately strong or seem to wander. Sometimes the pain radiates up into the jaw.

What can pain against tooth do for a cold?

For a tooth pain for a cold, to relieve, are, for example, a pain reliever with the active ingredients Ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid (Asa) or Acetaminophen. In contrast to Acetaminophen, the active ingredients Ibuprofen and ACE have the advantage that they reduce not pain, not only the tooth, but also have anti-inflammatory effects.


The tooth pain improve normally together with the common cold within a few days by itself. If the tooth pain persist, let the complaints from the dentist clarify. Point it to your cold. It seems to be on the teeth no causes for tooth pain, a visit to the family doctor or neck-to recommend, nose and throat doctor.


Acute sinusitis – symptoms and course. Online information of ENT-Doctors in the network: (retrieval date: 29.1.2020)

Behrbohm, H., et al.: Short Textbook Of Ear, Nose And Throat Medicine. Thieme, Stuttgart 2012

Pasler, F., et al.: Pocket Atlas of Dental radiology. Thieme, Stuttgart 2003

For More Information

Onmeda-Reading Tips:

  • Counselor Inflammation Of The Sinuses
  • How a common cold can be prevented
  • Forum ENT: ask your questions to our experts, Prof. Suckfüll!

Last content review: 29.01.2020last Modification: 28.01.2019

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