Health News

British study: loss of sense of smell and taste excellent-the most obvious sign of Coronavirus

Corona-crisis in Germany: 701 people have already died, 67.021 are infected with the Coronavirus. Worldwide, more than 800,000 cases have been registered. Meanwhile, the US reported approximately 160,000 cases, most of the Corona cases worldwide. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

In a recently published study of the King's College London compared data of over 400,000 people, as the "BBC" and some other British media reports. This would have logged in to a App through which you could make your own, possible symptoms of the Coronavirus capture. A total of 579 infected persons were confirmed, of which approximately 59% had suffered significant or total loss of smell or sense of taste.

Tim Spector, head of the study, said: "In combination with other symptoms, people with smell and taste loss, ill be three times more likely to, and should, isolate itself, therefore, seven days, the spread of the disease to reduzieren". These symptoms had occurred in comparison with all the other symptoms, such as cough or fever, most of the time.

In addition, these Symptoms occurred in 18 percent of the negative people tested, also. Overall, it is therefore likely that at least 13 percent of the 400,000 registered User to be infected with the Virus. This would open up nearly 50,000 infected British, so Spector. Officially the World Health organization (WHO) has not confirmed the result, however, in the past.  

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