Health News

Microbeads to combat infection show promise in burn wound simulations: A potential alternative to antibiotics, protein-coated beads block bacteria from binding host cells

Computer simulations of microscopic, protein-coated beads that block bacteria from binding to host cells suggest that the microbeads could help

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Health News

Cancer drug helps treat tuberculosis by restoring leaky blood vessels: Drug that strengthens blood vessels allows antibiotics to infiltrate tuberculosis granulomas in mice

Biomedical engineers have discovered an unlikely potential ally in the global fight against tuberculosis — an FDA-approved drug originally designed

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Health News

How did gonorrhea become a drug-resistant superbug? Scientists show how the gonorrhea bacterium resists last-resort antibiotic ceftriaxone while maintaining a robust growth rate

The bacterium that causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is resistant to multiple standard antibiotics and now threatens to develop

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