Health News

Scientist reveals likely cause of childhood leukemia: Landmark paper sets out ‘unified theory’ for cause of childhood leukemia — and finds it is likely to be preventable

A major new analysis reveals for the first time the likely cause of most cases of childhood leukemia, following more

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Health News

Synchronizing cochlear signals stimulates brain to ‘hear’ in stereo: Researchers are working to synchronize cochlear implant signals to provide a more realistic hearing experience for deaf adults and children

Using both ears to hear increases speech recognition and improves sound localization. In essence, it helps you to identify a

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Health News

Nicotine-imbibing teenage rats show an increased risk for drinking alcohol as adults: Results have implications for better understanding use of nicotine vaping in children

Rats that were dosed with nicotine during their adolescence grew up to drink more alcohol than those that weren’t exposed

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