Personal Health

The Alzheimer’s solution: US-Top develop neurologists “Neuro-Plan” of five factors

Two California physicians have written a book about Alzheimer’s, in which they promise not less, than that the dreaded disease would be to 90 percent preventable. Because you are sure to have a good life-style in the decades before Alzheimer’s is diagnosed, the actual therapy of the brain decay it represents.

Dean Sherzai (52) and his wife Ayesha Sherzai (40) direct the research program for Alzheimer’s prevention at Loma Linda University.

You have carried out the largest comparative study on the theme of Alzheimer’s. The quintessence of their findings is “The Alzheimer’s solution”, the title of the comprehensive plant.

The medicine few has identified five key factors for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and the cognitive decline: diet, exercise, relaxation, Regeneration (sleep), and optimization (mental activity). In short: eat healthy, right move, chronic reduce Stress, restful sleep and brain function to optimize.

The Interaction of all five factors, the authors of “Neuro-Plan”. He can go for physical and mental well-being and to ensure that the brain remains until old age, awake, and resilient.

Here are the main advice from the Sherzai-book for all five areas of life:

1. Nutrition – so you can halve your risk of

A healthy diet is our best weapon in the fight against Alzheimer’s. A full meal with a vegetable focus, which reduces especially sugar and industrially processed foods, is the main point of a brain-protective lifestyle. He should also, therefore, in the first place, because it is the easiest way to improve the quality of life and at the same time chronic diseases to ward off.

Vegetables, salad, legumes should be very often on the dining plan. They provide us with all the vitamins, mineral nutrients, substances and all of life’s important. Bean plants and green leafy vegetables provide plenty of fiber, complex carbohydrates and Protein.

Vegetable protein not only builds a healthy way of muscles, but the brain of clean and effective energy. Anyone who installs any additional fruit, nuts, seeds and spices in the diet, gets the whole range of a healthy diet, with the help of the Alzheimer’s risk by 50 percent.

2. Movement – every day, every hour

Every day, be in motion, that is the key to a healthy brain. Thus, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can be actively prevented, repaired damage in the important memory centers, and even new brain cells grow. Not necessarily have to be workouts in the gym, although muscle building and accelerated pulse are also useful.

Effective for the brain little one about the day distributed units of movement, as far as possible every hour for a few minutes. Studies have shown that the positive effect of intensive Sport is again made to naught, when we bring the Rest of the day Sitting down. A short walk, a few squats or climbing stairs once per hour leg muscles and the brain strengths.

3. Relaxation – you give the brain breaks

Stress management is a fundamental and often misunderstood aspect of a brain-healthy life. Healthy Stress is controllable, and useful to meet the challenges of modern life. Stress, you can’t affect, but it triggers a hormone cascade that strain the brain on many levels.

He even changed the structure of the brain, destroys the cells and leads to the reduction. That makes stress relief a key point of relaxation. Breathing exercises, stay in the nature (“forest bathing”), or Meditation are suitable for Release.

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4. Regeneration – seven hours of sleep must be

Constant lack of sleep contributes significantly to the decline of cognitive abilities. Our brain needs seven to eight hours of restful sleep. The emphasis is on “relaxing”. For this we have to go through the natural sleep cycles. In the deep stages of sleep the brain takes a major restructuring and cleaning work.

Anyone who has sleep problems should first deal with the nightly and evening environment: Avoid certain foods or too much alcohol, a quiet night’s sleep? It is in the bedroom too bright, too loud or too hot?

5. Optimization – challenge your brain

Areas of the brain that are not busy, wither away with time. Challenge the grey cells, therefore, with quite a variety of complex activities: to take a dance class, practice a foreign language or you are a member of the chess club. If you activate different places in the brain, strengthening neural Connections and cognitive Reserve against brain creates removal.

Even better: Who is responsible for a social voluntary service or a volunteer, coupled with the stress of the brain with a meaningful and, thereby, fulfilling activities – a strong mental protection.