Health News

Antibiotic intake is a risk factor for heart attacks?

Women should be careful in the use of antibiotics

The use of antibiotics brings with it various health risks. Researchers have now found that women who take longer than two months antibiotics, are at an increased risk for the development of heart attack or stroke.

In a recent study by Tulane University in New Orleans, it was found that in women, the intake of antibiotics leads over a period of more than two months at a greatly increased risk for heart attacks and strokes. The results of the study were publizert in the English scientific journal “European Heart Journal”.

Taking antibiotics can result, especially in older women to an increased risk for heart attacks and strokes. (Image: Syda Productions – fotolia)

Antibiotics can be beneficial bacteria in the gut damage

The long-term use of antibiotics appears to increase the risk for cardiovascular disease because of beneficial bacteria that colonize our gut are wiped out. In women in the age above 60 years, the risk was most pronounced. The increased risk was in elderly women, at 32 percent, compared with women, which ends during the eight-year study period, no antibiotics, receipts, report the researchers.

Antibiotics changed the balance in our intestines

The use of antibiotics is the most critical factor in the change in the balance of microorganisms in the gut, so the research team. Previous studies have already shown a connection between changes in the micro-biotic environment of the intestine and inflammation and constriction of the blood vessels, strokes and heart diseases. For the study carried out to 36,500 women were monitored over a period of almost eight years of medical. In this period, developed 1.056 women’s heart disease. The absolute risk for problems, however, remained low, explain the researchers.

Older women had the highest risk

The 60-year-old women, there were six heart attacks or strokes per 1,000 women. If women no antibiotics revenue, was the risk, however, in the case of three heart attacks or strokes per 1,000 women. This increase remained even after the control and consideration of other health risks and factors which might influence the increase in the leg. Women in middle age had a lower, but still significantly increased risk (approximately 28 percent). In women aged 39 years or younger, no impacts have been identified. Since the women were in the study period, getting older, needed more often antibiotic and took advantage of this sometimes over long periods of time, suggesting that a cumulative effect is the reason for the stronger connection between antibiotics and cardiovascular diseases in old age, explain the authors of the study.

Use of antibiotics only when strictly necessary

Antibiotics change the balance of the intestinal ecosystem, destroy beneficial bacteria and strengthen, for example, the spread of viruses and infectious fungal organisms such as Candida. Women in the study took the most common antibiotics to treat lung infections, urinary tract infections and dental problems. The study suggests that antibiotics should only be used if they are needed. In view of the potentially cumulative effects of the use of antibiotics is better the shorter the intake is, so the research team. However, it must be ensured that the intake period is not sufficient to target pathogens to kill efficiently, otherwise, the development of resistance threatens. (as)